چهارشنبه 3 بهمن 1403 - 21 رجب 1446
جستجو :
  دکتر احمدی اصل


Curriculum Vita
Surname: Ahmadiasl                    Given Name(s): Nasser
Date of Birth: 30/3/1961
Place of birth: Tehran, Iran
Nationality: Iranian
Married status: Married
Graduated as: Doctor of veterinary Medicine                      From: Tehran University,Iran, 1987
Postgraduate degree: Ph.D in Physiology                            From: Esfahan University, Iran, 2000
Ph.D thesis:Investigation of adrenergic system and role of endothelial peripheral vessels in experimental model of heart failure induced by doxorubicin in rabbit
OfficeAddress:department of physiology,faculty of medicine,Tabriz university of medical sciences,Tabriz-51664,Iran
Telefax: +98 411 3364664          
Web site address: www.tbzmed.ac.ir
Present position or Occupation: Assistant professor
Teaching Experience:Different topics of physiology
Current Research Area: Exercise physiology
Institution affiliation: Member of physiology & pharmacology society
ý     List of publications:
·         Effects of Noradrenaline and KCl on Peripheral Vessels in Doxorubicin Induced Model of Heart failure: Pathophysiology 2002 (8), 259-262
·         Vasodilator effects of b-agonist isoprenaline in doxorubicin induced model of heart failure: Acta Medica Iranica 2002 40 (3), 155-158
·         Assessment of the effects of smoking cessations on some hemorheologi parameters: Medical Journal of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences and Health Services (2003) 59, 11-13
·         Effect of exercise on learning, memory and levels of epinephrine in rats' hippocampus, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2003) 2, 106-109
·         The combined effects of exercise and post dehydration water drinking on plasma argennine vasopressin, plasma osmolality and body temperature in healthy males, International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (2005) 3(2),80-86
·         Lung function reference values in Iranian adolescents, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, (2006)12834-839.
·         Effects of different dietary fats on plasma lipid profiles in rabbits, International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology (2006) 3. 603-608
·         Effects of age increment and 36-week exercise training on antioxidant enzymes and apoptosis in rat heart tissue. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2007) 6, 243-249.
·         Influence of chronic exercise on red cell antioxidant defense, plasma malondialdehyde and total antioxidant capacity in hypercholesterlemic rabbits, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2006) 5, 682-691
·         Effect of aerobic exercise on memory consolidation in male young rats. Medical Journal of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences and Health Services (2007)2817-21.
·         Effects of Ghee oil on blood profiles and passive avoidance learning in male rat, Medical Journal of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences and Health Services (2008)30,7-10.
·         Effect of long term physical activity on spatial memory in male rats, Medical Journal of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences and Health Services (2008)30,13-16.
·         Influence of chronic exercise on red cell antioxidant defense, plasma malondialdehyde and total antioxidant capacity in hypercholesterlemic rabbits, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2006) 5, 682-691
·         The effects of aerobic exercise training on the age-related lipid peroxidation, Schwann cell apoptosis and ultrastructural changes in the sciatic nerve of rats, Life Sciences 82 (2008) 840–846
·         Long-term regular exercise promotes memory and learning in young but not in older rats. Pathophysiology 15 (2008) 9–12
·         Long-term exercise training affects age-induced changes in HSP70 and apoptosis in rat heart, Gen. Physiol. Biophys. (2008), 27, 263–270
·         Effect of nutritional oils on passive avoidance learning in male rats, Medical Journal of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences and Health Services. 30 (2008), 3, 7-10
·         The effects of 3 month exercise on expression of endothelin-1 in the lung tissue. Journal of biological sciences (2008), 8(6): 1092-1095
·         Simvastatin attenuates intestinal ischaemia//reperfusion-induced injury in rat. Folia Morphol. Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 156.162
·         Study of Soya extract effect on spatial memory in ovariectomized rats. Medical Journal of Tabriz university of Medical Sciences and Health Services. 30 (2009)31, 75-78
·         Relation between habitual and obligatory oronasal switching point with tidal volume and respiration rate during exercise, Urmia medical journal (2010) 20, 244-252
·         Influence of moon phases on serum level of sodium and lithium: a quasi-experimental study on rabbits, Biological Rhythm Research(under press)
Abstracts in English
ü            Adrenergic System and Role of Vascular Endothelium in Adriamycin Model of Heart Failure in Rabbit: 16th Puijo Symposium held in Kuopio, Finland, June 26-29, 2001.
Research Topics
ü                   Assessment of the age – related effects of exercise on learning & spatial memory in rat (1382)
ü                   Effect of nutritional oils on passive avoidance learning in male rats (1384)
ü                  The Effect of Aqueous of garlic (Allium sativum) on the Rat Isolated Uterus Contractility (1383).
ü                   Assessment of normal spirometric parameters and pulmonary volumes in18-22 years old students
ü                   Effect of nutritional oils on blood lipids in rabbits (1384).
ü                   Effect of regular exercise on Expression of endothelin-1 in the lung of male rats during age increment (1385)

ü                   Effect of exercise training on ventricular myocyte antioxidant defense and apoptosis during age increment in rat (1384)

ü                    Effect of regular exercise on learning and memory and apoptosis of hippocampus neurons in male rats (1385)
ü                  Study of Soya extract effect on hippocampus cells in ovariectomized rats (1386)
ü                  Study of Soya extract effect on spatial memory in ovariectomized rats (1386)